5 Bedroom Updates That Will Ensure Better Sleep

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/vhztm9QC0L0

Apart from being a major obstacle to individual health and wellness, sleep deprivation is becoming an economic issue as well. In fact, lack of sleep had cost the US economy $411 billion in 2016 alone.

The logic is simple: when millions of working adults don’t sleep properly, workplace productivity (and consequently, the economy) takes a serious blow. Not to mention that personal lives and social relations also suffer as a result of continuous sleep deprivation.

Various factors may cause sleep deprivation or insomnia, including anxiety and poor sleep hygiene. In this article, we’ll focus on an extremely important factor: the environment we sleep in; that is, the bedroom. Your sleeping environment influences not only your ability to fall asleep peacefully, but also the ability to stay that way throughout the night.

Here are five bedroom updates that will help you secure better sleep.


1.     Match relaxing colors

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/85kUBzS2V3g

The first prerequisite for a firm and long night’s sleep is a soothing and comfortable ambiance. Matching relaxing colors will help your brain decompress from the busy day. Experts suggest shades of blue and green on your bedroom walls to help you relax and drift off to sleep. You can also combine white with these shades for a Zen atmosphere.

On the other hand, warm and lively colors like red, yellow, and orange will stimulate your brain when it should be winding down. Still, orange can be a reasonable option for drapes, when combined with blue, grey, or any other cooler color.


2.     Choose comfortable materials

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/9g2s85BqwNg

Sleeping in bedding made from comfortable materials can significantly improve your sleep. Bedclothes made from pure cotton are always a top choice and suitable for an average budget. If you can allow a bigger budget for your bedding, go for silk or damask sheets and pillowcases.

Artificial materials, on the other hand, need to be avoided entirely, especially when it’s hot. If you sweat all night long, you’ll hardly get proper sleep.

Another two cents: manufacturers sometimes add other materials to cotton bedding. Also, the quality of cotton may vary. So, touch and try your bedding to make sure it’s made of high-quality cotton.


3.     Make your bedroom dark and airy

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/RApQxN_Js5Y

The main sleep hormone, melatonin, is released when the night falls and the space around you gets darker. That’s why most people fall asleep more easily in darker bedrooms.

Furthermore, streetlights and early morning light can also disrupt your sleep, so you want to make sure you’re able to control the lighting in your bedroom with several layers of window protection and decorations. Roller shades or blinds on your windows are must-haves for that purpose. When you’re choosing the windows for your home, pay special attention to the bedroom and opt for something that will give you enough protection from both sound and light when you sleep.

Air quality is another vital factor in a sleep-conducive bedroom. Since we’ve mentioned the windows, a hopper window in your bedroom can be a life-changing solution. Being able to open it just a bit will provide you with enough fresh air to sleep firmly all night long.

You will probably also need to improve the quality of the air in your bedroom with an air-conditioner and an air purifier, especially during hot summer nights.

 4.     Remove gadgets and devices

Image source: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-using-mobile-phone-3367850/

According to a report published by Fortune, 71% of smartphone users bring their device to bed with them. In other words, most people interact with their phones until the wee hours, and that’s how they lose an important portion of sleep. Once it becomes a habit, it’s difficult to even fall asleep without the conditioned reflex of scrolling social media, watching videos, or listening to podcasts.

Still, leaving your gadgets outside the bedroom is a must if you want to improve the quality of your sleep.

Likewise, many people enjoy watching TV in their bedroom. Even though this might be a relaxing activity, it usually results in staying awake longer than necessary. That’s why removing the TV from the bedroom can have positive effects on your sleep.

5.     Install a bookshelf

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/8zUaMNX1Yhs

Motion pictures stimulate the brain and keep it awake. Reading before sleep, on the other hand, calms it down.

One survey of 1000 people has shown that bedtime readers make more money than people who don’t consume written content before falling asleep. This can, in part, be explained by the fact that “readers” are not exposed to blue light from screens at bedtime and therefore fall asleep more easily and soundly. As a result, they have more energy for their work challenges and achieve better results.

That being said, why not install a bookshelf in your bedroom so you can put your mind to sleep with an appropriate book every night?

Final thoughts

Furnish your bedroom as a sleep oasis. The colors of the walls, flooring, and furniture should inspire you to fall asleep as soon as possible. Sleep in soothing and comfortable bedding that won’t make you sweaty or itchy. Make sure there’s plenty of fresh air in your bedroom, as well as enough dark.

Finally, keep gadgets and electronic devices away from your bedroom. Instead of them, read books to properly relax and fall asleep quickly. This is how bedroom updates will help you get proper rest and get ready for all your professional and private challenges every single night.

Article submitted by Hannah Thomas.