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Introducing the World Wide Staging Service Week by the International Association of Home Staging Professionals®
In September of 2010, the Pinellas Regional Chapter of the International Association of Home Staging Professionals, IAHSP®, with the cooperation of Operation Homefront, ran a contest to find a deserving military family with a home in need of Staging. The regional chapter chose the Rose Family in Safety Harbor, Florida; Gary Rose was on active duty with the Air Force. The Rose’s had recently purchased a bank owned property in extremely rough shape. With the help of friends and family, the family had made great strides already in making the house a home but there was a lot to tackle. In addition to the need for function within the home the family needed to prepare a home therapy room for the girls where they could be tutored.
The Pinellas IAHSP® got to work on that area first. In addition to the therapy room for the young girls participating Accredited Staging Professionals® and members of IAHSP® wanted to bring all living areas together with color & decor. They brought in contractors & vendors to make minor repairs such as patching walls, adding light fixtures, adjusting cabinets, painting, repairing wiring, putting hardware on the kitchen cabinets, etc. In the therapy room they picked out (and purchased some) furniture for the girls. They chose appropriate furniture, paint colors that the girls would feel comfortable with as well as complimentary paint color blending with the adjacent rooms.
In addition to the interior work the Regional Chapter of IAHSP® cleared the clutter inside, revamped the furniture arrangement and landscaped the front of the house adding curb appeal.
Also in September, 2010, the West Los Angeles IAHSP® Chapter provided Staging to the Richstone Family Center. This center is two homes that support emancipated teen girls and young women that transition out of foster care. This year, the Chapter Staged a second home; the first was in 2009. Vendors provided paint, carpet, and a huge amount of furniture (sofa, chairs, lamps, rugs, artwork, trees, tables/chairs, and accessories. Accredited Staging Professionals® transformed the home from a much worn down drab look into a showcase home.
Similar events take place each September across the nation as Accredited Staging Professionals® improve the lives of others by helping local organizations and individuals in their communities who are in need of Staging® services. Past benefactors have included improving such places as the Ronald Mc Donald House, nursing homes, schools, women’s shelters and assisting individuals who may be in need of selling their homes or businesses.
IAHSP® International is comprised of 80 local regional chapters in the United States and Canada with 3,388 members. As the recognized professional association and voice of the Home Staging industry, IAHSP® sets the standard for Staging and is the benchmark for excellence in real estate. On a regular basis, ASPs® volunteer their time, talents and personal resources to work for the betterment of the communities that they serve and transitively enhance the quality of lives through service to others.
Please click here to learn more about the World Wide Staging Service Week by the International Association of Home Staging Professionals®.
Live in Joy, ASP® Stage® with Joy and Enjoy the Wonder and Magic of it all!
Barb Schwarz
The Creator of Home Staging®
CEO StagedHomes.com
Founder/Chairwoman, The International Association of Home Staging Professionals
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