Our First World Wide Staging Services Week

Our IAHSP Chapter was recently granted a name change from Fresno IAHSP to San Joaquin Valley IAHSP. This better reflects our broad region which covers an area about the size of West Virginia.
And because there are less than 2 dozen eligible ASP’s in our vast area, our Chapter has struggled to grow. But I’m happy to report that we’re hanging in there and that we had our first WWSSW project, and it was a huge success! Not only were we able to create a welcoming environment for a family in crisis, but we were able to work together as an ASP team for the first time.
Five of us were able to work on our project last Saturday: Dan Coleman, (Ambassador for the Project), Debbie Cellilo, Lisa Profera, and Joy & Tom McGuire. While the men lugged furniture, the women shopped for new bedding and accessories that would help a mother and her daughters feel at home in their new surroundings. Everybody contributed their unique talents, and the results made us all proud. And I was informed that the Battered Women’s Shelter Organizers were overwhelmed with joy and very appreciative of our efforts.
So I believe it was a win-win-win stituation (as Staging usually is). I am forever grateful to Barb for developing our ASP family, and for creating the IAHSP Foundation which helps us share our talents with those in need.
So for all those Chapters that may be struggling with participation, or think they don’t have enough membership to complete a WWSSW project, I would urge you to reconsider. With the help of the Foundation, we were able to make a huge difference with very little effort, and I believe it really bonded us as a Chapter. We are already looking forward to our WWSSW project for next year!

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