For those interested in submitting a blog post send submittals to and adhere to the following criteria: 
  1. We receive many requests from guest blog contributors each week. Your blog post can take an average of 3 weeks to be posted. If the information is time sensitive, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate but make no promises.
  2. Please do not write to use repeatedly asking when your article will be published. We will email you once it is live.
  3. The article needs to be relevant to the home staging industry so anything on homes, real estate, interior design, decorating, landscaping, design trends, and so forth that would be of interest to our readers can be submitted. 
  4. Authors need to put their attribution for the article in the actual blog post. Failure to do this means your article will not be attributed to you and we do not have time to go and revise or edit the posts once they are published.
  5. If including pictures, which we do recommend, send as jpg attachments so they are easily uploaded to our blog.  If they are not sent as separate jpg attachments, they will not be included.
  6. Please do not put too many links in the article but they are permitted. The links cannot take a reader to a realtor, designer or home Stager personal business site as that would compete with our members who own businesses in these areas.
If you do not adhere to the criteria above, your blog post will not be published.  If you have any questions, please let us know.

NOTE:  This is a Complimentary Service we provide to those who want to be published on our blog. As such, it is not a priority for us to post blog articles according to your timeline as you are not paying for this service.  We do this as a courtesy, and our staff is paid for their time to do work that generates revenue for our company.  The timeframe of an AVERAGE of 3 weeks is a guideline, and we will not respond to repeated emails asking about when the article is going to be posted.  If this process does not work for you, please do not submit articles for our blog.

Thank you for your interest in submitting articles for our blog.  We look forward to receiving your submittals. The Team