Stages of Staging

There are three elements to Staging, according to Concord resident Barb Schwarz, who has trademarked Stage®, Staging and Staged for her company,

CLEAN: Everything must be spotless, including floors, walls, drapes and windows.

CLUTTER-FREE: Remove a lot of furniture and knickknacks. In some cases, a few new pieces of furniture can be brought in, but not too many because it can create a sterile look. “America is cluttered to death,” Schwarz says. “The way you live in your home and the way we market and sell your home are two different things.”

COLOR: Paint the house and have carpets, countertops and cabinets in the latest styles and colors. If you don’t have shutters, consider installing them. One of her favorite touches is placing cone-shaped shrubs around the door. Another trick is to bring some of the outdoors in by putting tree cuttings or dried flowers in vases.

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