Staging is More than Just Curb Appeal

As a Master Accredited Staging Professional and President of Home Staging Concepts in South Florida, we understand that Curb Appeal is very important to even get potential buyers out of the car to look at the house. A seller today may have done the due diligence of making sure that  the bushes and trees are trimmed, adding fresh flowers and mulch to captivate the buyers attention. Staging is so much more than that. It is just as critical to make sure that as a home seller you have Inside Appeal. Are the pictures on the MLS and other real estate websites showing off your best attribute? The inside of your home? Most people today are driving by your house on the internet and they are looking at your house without you even knowing it. As a home seller it is key to know what needs to be done to showcase your home and get the attention of potential buyers. There are many tips online along with books written by Barb Schwarz who is the creator of Home Staging. It is important to know that even if you read the books or look at the tips to hire a professional Accredited Staging Professional to come out to your home to insure your home is going to be the one that gets an offer. Remember, pricing gets you in the game and staging will get you the offer.

One thought on “Staging is More than Just Curb Appeal

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