You are looking for Home Staging Training and when you look online, there are a lot of places purporting to teach you what you need to know to be successful. But what happens AFTER you graduate and what kinds of resources does the training company provide to you to help you succeed long term?The STAGING UNIVERSITY® has been the most in depth and complete resource for ongoing education and support for the Home Staging industry. With a long history and proven resources, the Staging University serves graduates of the Accredited Staging Professional® Stager (ASP®), Accredited Staging Professional® Real Estate Agent (ASP®-RE), and Accredited Staging Professional Master® (ASPM®) Courses.
All of these tools and resources are provided along with your ASP® Stager or ASP® Real Estate Agent Course Tuition and ongoing membership. Unlike other groups, we do not charge for every download or document you want to access. The Staging University content includes but is not limited to:
Marketing Information – Your Unique Profile that helps bring YOU business
Website/Feature Page Portal for Stagers
Ongoing Education with FAST Track Sessions – Focused Accelerated Stager Training
Industry Designations to help ADD to your education
Discounts on Key Vendor Partnerships that help ADD VALUE to what you can offer your clients
Turn-key Documents to help you build Custom Listing Presentations for Real Estate Agents
Turn-key Documents to help Stagers build professional presentations
Legal Forms and Agreement Templates for Stagers
Logos to help you BRAND your business and services more professionally and set you apart from your competition
Archive of Media Articles you can share with your clients
Bid Proposal Templates for Stagers
Consultation Forms and Templates for Stagers
Marketing Material Templates for both Real Estate Agents and Stagers
Photos you can use to help build your portfolio
Learning Library of resources for ongoing self-paced education
and much more!
The Staging University is a living site that is constantly being updated with the latest information. It also provides a history of the industry with archived information and articles. It is important to understand our past in order to properly build our future. Continued access to the Staging U and use of the resources provided requires annual membership renewal.