Our ASP Staged Houses are SELLING in RECORD TIME! – By Jennie Norris, ASPM, IAHSP

Not only are the ASP Staged houses we have Staged selling, but they are getting multiple offers, selling for MORE than list, or selling AT LIST price, and in one case at 92% of list. Getting multiple offers in this market is something we have not heard about for over 2 years – and it is happening with the Staged properties!

The Art of Appreciation – by Jennie Norris, ASPM, IAHSP

Why then as we enter the business world, does it seem so rare to receive a “Thank you” for a job well done? Showing appreciation to our clients should be on the top of our list, but somewhere along the way, it seems that the “loyal client” is forgotten or taken for granted in the quest to add more clients to our roster.