- 11 million hits per month on their website to look at Staged Home for sale and Stagedhomes.com does
- A national trade association that represents them, and keeps their stagers accountable as we have through IAHSP
- A local IAHSP chapter of ASPs
- A local IAHSP chapter that gives back thousands of dollars & man hours to their community like we do
- The original, first, time tested, and proven ASP accreditation program.
To My Fellow ASPs – Let’s Hold Our Heads Up Proudly
Dear ASPs and ASPMs,
I wanted to share with you this heartwarming message I received from Nancy Dreyer, a wonderful ASP in the Columbus, OH, area. Nancy also serves as President of the Columbus IAHSP Regional Chapter.
Thank you, dear Nancy!
Barb Schwarz
The Creator of Home Staging®
CEO Stagedhomes.com
The Creator of the ASP Designation and Course
Founder and Chairwoman The International Association of Home Staging Professionals®, IAHSP
I think it is important for us as ASPs to always hold our heads up high with a confidence that goes back to the 1970’s when Barb started this industry, that, there will always be “wannabes”.
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