Special Edition E-Magazine: 2009 World Wide Staging Service Week
Just as in previous years, the 2009 ASP-IAHSP World Wide Staging Service Week brought together ASPs and ASPMs around North America, with lots of heartwarming stories of how so many people were helped by ASPs and ASPMs all around North America.
I invite you to read a special newsletter where each participating chapter provides photo albums, slideshows and even videos to showcase the wonderful work they accomplished during the 2009 World Wide Staging Service Week.
Enjoy, love, and embrace, as I know you will, all of the projects, stories and wonderful pictures from all of our great IAHSP Chapters. I know you will be beyond words as I was by each project.
For each of you that gave from your heart so very much…..thank you! We received back far more than we gave. It was so inspiring to see the smiles and tears, and to hear the words of ‘Thank You’ being shared with us. It really does not get better than that. For any of you who are yet to participate you will see the reason why we all believe so much in our ASP – IAHSP WWSSW to serve those in need.
Please click here to read the 2009 World Wide Staging Service Week Special Edition E-Magazine.
Live in Joy, ASP® Stage® with Joy and Enjoy the Wonder and Magic of it all!
Barb Schwarz, ASP®, ASPM®, IAHSP®
The Creator of Home Staging®
Founder and CEO,Stagedhomes.com
Founder and Chairwoman, IAHSP and the IAHSP Foundation